     This is directed to beginning collectors who are "shelling" on eBay.   Although there are some very advanced and knowledgeable collector/dealers on eBay, you should be careful.  Right now, you may get nice shells at a cheaper price, but they usually have little or no data.  If you are seriously interested in shells as specimens, not just craft material, you will eventually want shells with the correct Latin name and at least a modicum of accurate data.  At this point, the cheaper shells you collected will be relegated to knick-knacks, craft material, or gifts to children interested in shells.  If you want to go this route, fine, but it is far better in the long run to buy the higher price shells from dealers who are members of or well-known to COA and Conch-L.
     Another caution abouit eBay.  Check out the seller's other items on auction.  If there is a preponderance of flea market/antique items, this person usually doesn't know shells.
I  got a terrible specimen of a Lion's`Paw from one, but two
fairly nice ones from another.   BE CAREFUL!
