Dear Conchlers,

My web site is avaliable from now on.
But I didn't have time to update my site. I am preparing
my private web server now. There are too many problems.
Now I am shooting the trouble,
I will set it up as soon as possible.

Before my new server is up, please visit my original site

Thank you.

Best wishes


>From: Bobbi Cordy <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Conchologists of America List <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: School Classes
>Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 22:17:56 -0400
>We do a lot of speaking in schools locally.   Our favorite book for
>youngsters is:
>Our good OLD  "Sea Shells of the World" Golden Book by R. Tucker Abbott.
>It shows the classes, the major families, the bivalves, the provinces
>and a little bit on how to collect, clean and store.
>I would say a good starter collection would be one of each of the major
>Jim and Bobbi Cordy
>Specializing in Self Collected Caribbean Species
>Merritt Island Florida
>July 7-11
>Port Canaveral, FL

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