Dear Ross
Sounds like a good idea to me
Not that I would call myself an expert.
I am happy to help with landsnails especially Australia-Pacific where

>From: Ross Mayhew <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Conchologists of America List <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: List of "willing conchological experts"
>Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 19:50:12 +0000
>"experts" in various molluscan families and genera (or molluscs from
>regions) are not that difficult to find, but many are quite busy and do
>much time for enquiries from non-colleagues.  HOWEVER, there are some who
>"ready, willing and able" to answer questions, usually of the
>sort, from the shell-loving population at large.  I was just trying to
>think who
>i should ask to help ID a puzzling PI Muricid, when the idea of a list of
>"willing conchological experts" popped into my little brain - this would be
>Truly Useful resource!!  Does anyone else agree??  Would anyone like to
>volunteer themselves as being willing to help folks with various taxa or
>regions?  I'd be glad to put up a geocities page to accomodate the list, if
>enough responses are recieved.
>Still in the Great Wet North,
>Ross Mayhew.

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