Smith, Maxwell 1948 -  Triton, Helmut & Harp Shells, P41-42
List as a form of erinaceus (Linne')
Simply states Indo-Pacific region

Kreipl, Kurt 1997  -  Recent Cassidae,  Verlag Christa Hemmen Pub, pp
List C. vibex as a synonym of C. erinaceus
Range:  Red Sea, East Africa to Meleanesia and Micronesia

Abbott, RT 1968 -  Indo-Pacific Mollusca, Vol 2, #9, Helmut Shells of
 the World - Cassidae Part 1, Casmaria  P190 (12-702)
List C. vibex as a synonym of C. erinaceus
Casmaria erinaceus & C. ponderosa range from: (If you'll get your map
The central South pacific, noth tip if New Zealand, eastern and
 northern Austrailia, across the Indian Ocean, south of Matagascar, up
 the east coast of Africa, throughout the Red Sea, Around the arabian
 Penensula, bypassing the Persian Gulf, arount India, bypassing the
 northern half of the Bay of Bengali, Throughout all of southeast
 Asia, North to southern Korea, the southern half of Japan, across to
 Hawaii and backn down to the south central pacific.

Leslie Allen Crnkovic