Good afternoon!
I agree with these comments!!  I was shocked that the reply was worded so
strongly about something so sensitive!!  This person maybe made a poor
decision, but couldn't we explain the situation a little nicer??!  It
doesn't apply to shells, but surely people are as important and endangered
shells or coral reefs!!  Sometimes we sort of feel like a family on this
list and that is who we run to when we feel a crisis is happening! Let us
not spoil that "family atmosphere" with harsh words!!

"To flying pig people, how far the internet goes, and other NSR items that
>have been many in the short time I've followed this group.  I was aghast to
>see someone humiliated for trying to help people who are dying and in
>of dying over such shallowness....  Understandably we must keep to shell
>related items.  But to blast someone for something so important and in such
>an inhumane manner is unconscionable.  Freedom is not something to be taken
>lightly.  If everything is to be shell related there should be NO
>exceptions. And people can be gracious about letting new people know such

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