Dear Mariah
I am saddened to hear of you problem.   I have had many dealing with the museum
store over the years and have never had any problems of any kind.   In fact
once my mail man trashed my copy of the Nautilus upon delivery and they simply
sent me a replacement with no hassle at all.

I have a great deal of faith in the integrity of the institution.  Although I
do not know the communications you had on the matter with them. If indeed they
did cash the check it you can be assured the whole matter was most likely a
clerical error.  I know in my own business that when we make mistakes… they are
usually big ones and we usually don’t find out about them till someone is upset.


> Dear All,
>         It is with a heavy heart that I write to tell you that I sent on
> July
> 27th, a US postal money order for $48 for fossil books to the
> Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum of Sanibel, Florida. Finally beginning to
> wonder why I have not recieved them, I called them. They claimed to have
> never recieved the order or the money. I then took the mo stub to the
> Post Office who called their records dept. and told me it had been
> cashed on July 31. I have ordered from them a photocopy of the mo, back
> and front, that will show who did cash it, but since it was made out to
> the Bailey's Matthews Shell Museum, I'm quite certain someone there
> recieved it and cashed it. They are being quite unhelpful and
> unaccomodating and I just thought that you all should know about these
> problems so that no more of us get ripped off. I will keep you informed
> as to what the photocopies show when they finally arrive, sometime in
> the next 60 days! They could be innocent, but the PO only delivers
> things to where they are addressed and a business generally has a stamp
> that they use on checks and mo's, does not look good.
>         Mariah Lawson
> --
> ÐÏ à¡± á