
tonight i have posted photos of an unknown shell from here in Newfoundland,
and photos of Hermit Crabs in shells, also taken near my home on Random

The address to look at any of the photos is
The unknown shell is represented by the first 3 photos in the album "Unknown
Shells" and the hermit crab is in the album " Shells of Newfoundland. There
is also a lovely photo of Blue Mussels that is in Screen background

If any one would like to take a crack at identifing the unknown shell or
would like to look at any of my other shell photos, I would appriciate it.
there are several other shells in the unknown shell album also looking for

One day last week, one of my webshots albums, "Newfoundland - Random Island
II" was chosen one of Webshots Sites of the day, giving me over 6,000 new
viewers. Take a look, it is non commercial, and has photos of a variety of
things there.

Thanks to all who look and offer names for me!

Thomas Clenche
Petley, Random Island, Newfoundland.

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