Dear listers, A few days ago I got a message asking me
some information about N uptake in water stress
conditions. The message came from a user of this list,
and I deleted before answering. I will be glad to
answer the message if I get it back. The message was
in spanish.
Thank you,
Miguel Quemada

> Dear all:
> I am a new member and user of DSSAT. I am carrying
our a research on
> sustainability of agricultural activities and using
DSSAT to study
> different agricultural practices. However, as a
researcher I am interested
> to know more about the structure of DSSAT. Is there
any published papers
> about it?
> Yours
> Neda Farahbakhshazad
> Neda Farahbakhshazad, PhD
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
> Ralph Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and
> 15 Vassar Street, 48-114,
> Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
> Phone: ++1 617 253 5450, Fax: ++1 617 253 7475
> Email: [log in to unmask]

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