Dear Bill,
There is a specimen of Crossata ventricosa available from Femorale at
present. I think??

>From: Bill Fenzan <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Conchologists of America List <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Collecting ideas?
>Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 22:12:29 -0500
>I am running out of ideas for ways to get specimens of a shell labeled as
>"moderately common" in the Compendium of Seashells by Abbott & Dance.  The
>shell I am trying to get is Bursa ventricosa (Broderip, 1833).  It is
>reported to live subtidally along a range from Ecuador to northern Chile.
>In the 2001 edition (19th)of Tom Rice's price list the price for this shell
>is listed at $15.00.  Here are the things I have done so far in an attempt
>to get specimens:
>- Contacted a variety of dealers (especially dealers in South America) and
>asked them to search inventory.  Two remembered having them in stock a long
>time ago.  Reminded dealers at the last two COA bourses.
>- The website has a picture of a specimen under
>the "Rare Shells" link.  I sent e-mail to the lady who owns the site asking
>for help, but have not had an answer in response.
>- I have looked in Rice's 1995-1996 list of dealers and written a letter to
>both Jorge Basily Santa Maria (who also wrote a book illustrating a
>specimen of this species) and S. A. Macsa of Peru.  These are the only
>dealers listed located in the range of B. ventricosa.  No response, yet.
>- I have responded to a posting on Molluscs Net from a lady offering shells
>for sale from the right area.  Her initial e-mail back to me said she would
>have access to specimens in a couple of months.  After time had passed, I
>sent a reminder to her.  No response.
>- I also posted a want ad on Molluscs Net, twice.  No response.
>Other ideas I have had seem to be marginal at best.  I have spoken to a
>dealer who went to Chile to obtain shells.  He was unsuccessful in finding
>B. ventricosa there.  This made me pessimistic about travel to the region
>as a way to solve the problem.  I have not had much luck as a field
>collector, nor do I speak Spanish.
>I can still write to shell clubs in the region and local museums to see if
>they can put me in touch with someone willing to sell or trade this
>species.  Even if I could get info on how the shell has been found in the
>past (which local fishermen found it, at what depth, etc.), it would be a
>step in the right direction.
>Are there any approaches I have overlooked?
>William J. Fenzan
>401 Sinclair St.
>Norfolk, VA  23505-4359
>Phone: (757) 489-4736

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