I never had a dog eat an operc, but I did have a cat tip over a drawer
containing 40 lots of Fissurellidae - over 250 shells.  Sorting that out was
tons of fun.  On three separate occasions people have ordered a shell from
me to replace a shell their cat knocked off the shelf.  Two of those
incidents involved the same lady (don't know if it was the same cat).  Some
time ago I read a little anecdote written by a diver.  He took his dog to
the beach with him while he went diving.  It was not a very fruitful day,
but shortly before it was time to leave, he found one beautiful live
specimen of an uncommon cowrie - I'm not sure what species - Cypraea
gaskoini comes to mind.  Anyway, he opened the driver's side, put the cowrie
in a small box on the center of the seat, then let the dog in.  Then he ran
around to the driver's side and jumped in, to find an empty box and a dog
licking his chops.  Does anyone else have any pet-shell interactions they
would like to share?

Paul M.