Hi guys and gals, my name is Steve Ross and I just signed up for this list.  The welcome note suggested writing a short intro note, so here it is.
I live near Seattle, WA.  I got my B.Sc. in Biology about two years ago, and I'm looking at going back to grad school to get a degree in something having to do with malacology.  My primary interests lie in opisthobranchs, but I've been interested in shell collecting for years.  My grandparents got me started on it, buying me all sorts of things when I was little, but they generally just got packed up into boxes.  I pulled the collection out about a month ago, and started catalogueing it.  I have about 70 species ID'ed so far, between the older things and stuff I've picked up while wandering the beaches of Maui.  At the moment I don't have any special interests, although apparently my grandparents really liked buying me murexes and cowries.
So yeah, thast my shell background in a pretty large nutshell.  Question for ya'll, though.  Does anyone know of any good shell shops in the Seattle area?  There's only one place I've been able to find, its just a little gift shop, and its selection is pretty limited (unless you want the rubble they call "shells" that they keep in the bins).  If anyone has other places or experiences in this area I'd love to hear about em!  Thanks!

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