I'm interested in collecting prints of the artwork in old books such as Reeve's "Iconica".  Do you folks know if/where such things exist?  Do they even make prints of the plates from those types of old books?
On a related note, I assume that Reeve and others of that era such as Martin's "Universal Conchologist" or Sowerby's "Thesaurus Conchyliorum" are out of print now.  I've heard that you can still obtain them, occasionally, at places such as Sotheby's in England, at prices more than any yearly salary I will probly ever make.  Is there anything like a reprint of them?  How about any newer books with the hand-drawn artwork?  I totally love that type of artwork, its just as good as any photograph I've seen and (in my opinion) very aesthetically pleasing.  I'd love to get my hands on books like that, that are as much works of art as they are works of science.  Is there such a thing available to the general public nowadays?

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