Dear All,

        My name is Julie Carter.  I work with National Ocean Service Marine
Forensic Branch in Charleston, SC.  We receive evidence from law
enforcement agents and make species identification using DNA,
isoelectric focusing and lipid analyses.  I am searching for samples
from Strombus latus, Strombus gigas and Strombus peruvianus (especially
Strombus latus) to be used as standards to compare to evidence.  Do you
have any samples of any of these species (especially frozen muscle) that
you could send to us?  If not, could you give me names of people or
organizations that you think could help me?

                                                 Thank you,
                                                       Julie Carter
Julie Carter
NOS Marine Forensic Branch
219 Fort Johnson Road
Charleston, SC 29412
Phone: 843-762-8547
FAX:   843-762-8700
E-mail: [log in to unmask]