Hi, Conch-Lers!

Several years ago I discovered a plastic called "Shrinky Dink,"
a plastic sheet that you could write on with indelible ink and then shrink in the oven, producing a number much smaller than I can print.   The disadvantage was that when glued on with Elmer's, the Elmer's left a very slight etching of the surface under it.   Then, the material disappeared from local craft stores.

I have now discovered a mail order source for theplastic, but now I need suggestions of how to attach the number to the shell.   There's always Stik-Tac, or doll house wax, but these
are not a very firm attachment, I would think.

Does anyone out there have a suggestion?   Don't tell me to number the shells with china ink by hand because I have a mild disability which affects my hand writing.
