Speaking of Puget Sound area shell collecting, I have a question about it (aka, anyone not from Washington state, feel free to ignore this note).  What are the guidelines for where you are allowed to collect snails and etc?  I have the shellfish and seaweeds liscence, but the info that came with it sez nothing about where you can go collecting.  I went to Saltwater State Park a few weeks ago and talked to the ranger about it, and he made it sound like collecting any shells anywhere in the state is gonna get you a humungous fine.  Yet the literature sez you can collect up to 10 "unclassified invertebrates" (aka snails, nudibranchs, etc that aren't covered in the bivalve harvesting sections) a day.  Where can I go to collect local snails?  I live near Tacoma, but I travel all over the puget sound region and even up to Vancouver BC, so any suggestions ya'll might have I'd love to hear!  Feel free to email me personally if you don't wanna clog up the listserver.  Thanks!


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