To Mr. Heiman (and other interested workers in the cowries),

What IS the 'burgessi'-type of Cypraea teres? Or the
'alisonae'-type, the 'latior'-type or the 'rashleighana'-type?

As I read through the items in the Hawaiian Shell News (HSN),
where the "search" for answers to these questions is well
documented, I see all manner of attempts at explaining what
makes a ‘rashleighana’,  'burgessi' or other type of 'teres'
shell. The late Dr. Burgess wrote more than three dozen cowry-
related articles in the HSN and many of those deal with members
of the ‘teres’ complex. There are also many other authors'
articles, some of which collection information, which provide
other points of view and more guesses, thoughts and surmises.

In the coming weeks, some information about the ‘teres’ specimens
which I have measured, and those found on-line (few as those are),
will be made available along with references to items found in
the HSN from 1960 through 1992. Additionally, my database for the
specimens shown in ‘allteres.jpg’ will be posted in the Research
area of


Bob Dayle (a.k.a. makuabob)

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