This is a good idea.
However, if you wish to separate conch-l mails from the
others, you can set a filter with the conch-l address
([log in to unmask]) to put conch-l mail in an
appropriate folder.  Most email programs I know have
this capability.

Quota Andrew Grebneff
<[log in to unmask]>:

> Dear Listmoms:
> Here is a good idea...
> >When I get mail from the SuperMac list, each mail
starts with [SM] at its
> >subject.
> >When I get mail from the Swap list, each mail starts
with [swap] at its
> >subject.
> >When I get mail from the Mac OS X for User list,
each mail starts with
> [X4U]
> >at its subject.
> >
> >This feature is important, as mail programs can scan
and sort incoming
> mail
> >into various folders.
> >
> >I therefore respectfully request that future email
from the PCI PowerMac
> >List starts with something in the subject to
distinguish its origin (ie,
> >[PCIMac], or [PCI PMac])
> >
> >This feature is needed by those who subscribed to
many mailing lists.
> The Subaruvanagon list does this too. Why not THIS

Paolo Giulio ALBANO
Bologna, ITALY
E-mail: [log in to unmask]