Hi Rich
If you can recall my Pilsbry Exhibit in Philly Show last fall...
“Calliostoma brunneum – Dispelling the Myths”

C. tejedori is a synonym of C. brunneum.
(although my work is a debate on it and a Honduran form)

In it I present specimens from Barbados to Jamaica, Belize, Honduras, Cuba and
the Bahamas.

I also have examined both holotypes... (C tejedori & . brunneum)

Recently I acquired the recorded world record size of it from south of the
Bahamas… which is distinctly the C. tejedori form.

I will send you my paper on it… which is under revision due to review of more
material and fact findings.

Leslie Allen Crnkovic

<<< From Richard Goldberg >>>
P.S. - Does anyone know if Calliostoma tejedori has ever been found outside of