Detailed nitrogen and water outputs for CERES models are written per layer to the nitrogen.out and water.out files of the OUTPUT component.

best regards

DSSAT - Crop Models and Applications <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi
> I want to know if it is possible an how to get nitrogen outputs from CERES Wheat, detailed by layer. Iwant to contrast some measures that I have made at harvest of soil inorganic nitrogen till 60 cm, and the nitrogen output of the model (*.whn) give the inorganic nitrogen content from all the profile.
> I hope taht someone can help me
> Thank you in advance
> Ing. Agr. Fernando Salvagiotti
> Ecofisiologia y Manejo de Cultivos - Fertilidad de suelos
> EEA Oliveros - INTA
> Ruta 11 km 353 - 2206 - Oliveros
> Republica Argentina
> Tel Laboral: 54 -03476-498010/498011
> Tel Particular: 54- 03476-498856
> Celular:54 - 03476-15696144
> e-mail: [log in to unmask]