
CONCH-L does not allow attachments so you will not get a virus from this
list's email.  However, you could receive a virus from someone on the list.
Many email viruses use their host's address book to find new hosts.  Some
also use the same list to fill in other parts of the email header, such as
the "From" line.  So you could receive an email that said it was from "John
Doe" when it was really sent by a virus on Mike Smith's computer which has
John Doe's email address in the mail client's address book.  How confusing!

Sometimes you can tell where the email started by tracing the email header,
sometimes you can't.  Just because an email said it came from one place
doesn't mean it really did.

Your best bet is to keep your anti-virus software up-to-date.  And if you
use microsoft products - well keep them patched!  If you really have a lot
of problems with email viruses you might want to try another email client
such as PC-pine or eudora.
