ICE General Meeting
Wednesday at 1:00 PM
January 22, 2003
ICE, Room 101, Tanner Building

What is going on with ICE?

There will be a meeting of Ideas for Creative Exploration on Wednesday, January 22 at 1:00 PM at ICE, Room 101 on the lower level of the Tanner Building.  The meeting will include an update on ICE activities, a call for new members and opportunities for involvement in future projects and conference planning.

The meeting will also announce the recipients of the 2002-2003 ICE Project Grants, A Good Man is Hard to Find, a chamber opera based on a short story by Flannery O'Connor, Eco-Log, a multimedia performance event, and Somos Pobres, Pero No Hay Pobreza Aqui, a cross-cultural documentary that studies education in Mexico.

Please share the word with any students, faculty, or community members that may be interested in ICE.  This will be a great opportunity to meet and get involved.

For more information please contact [log in to unmask] or call 542-7270.

Directions to the Tanner Building (UGA Building number 0123):

Meeting notes will be available.