Personal message:
Time to update taxonomy?  Take a look at this link on BioMedNet from
8 January 2003
by Henry Nicholls
Taxonomy is stuck in the 18th Century, claims Canadian zoologist Paul Hebert, who calls for a molecular revolution. "There is no more likely death of a discipline than the failure to innovate," he warns.  Enjoy the read :)  BGL

The following Special Report has been sent to you by Bruce Livett <[log in to unmask]>.

Time to update taxonomy?
8 January 2003

Taxonomy is stuck in the 18th Century, claims Canadian zoologist Paul Hebert, who calls for a molecular revolution. "There is no more likely death of a discipline than the failure to innovate," he warns.

To read the full article, click the link below, or cut and paste the entire link into your browser.