Summer Institute in New Media

Applications are due by March 31st for the first annual Institute in the New Media at Dartmouth College from July 7th to 19th, 2003. A Scholarly Communication Institute, organized by the Berry Library at Dartmouth, will overlap with the New Media Institute.

The Institute will consist of two seminars of 12-14 members each, to be conducted respectively by  Professor Lev Manovich (University of California San Diego) and Professor Margaret Morse (University
of California Santa Cruz), both leading authorities with important publications in this field.

        Each  seminar will meet at least three times weekly.  In addition to leading discussions, the seminar leaders will also hold office hours for individual consultation. The seminars will not be primarily technical in nature; rather, they will create a setting for learning and exchange in the rapidly evolving critical discourse(s) pertaining to the New Media.

        For further information, syllabi, and applications, see:
