Dear colleagues and friends

Carlo and I are making a revision of the verticordiid genera Spinosipella
and Euciroa. We still need more material from these genera from any place
and of all kinds (shells, preserved, photos, etc.).

Our more urgent necessities are:

1) A truly specimen of the species “Spinosipella (or Verticordia)
acuticostata”, types, topotypes, information on the depository (the author
is Philippi, 1844, a fossil from Calabria, Italy).

2) To know if someone is studding these genera, mainly Euciroa from

3) To borrow any specimen with soft parts for anatomy.

I thank you in advance for the cooperation.

Best wishes,



Luiz Ricardo L. Simone, Ph. D.

Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo

Cx. Postal 42594

04299-970 São Paulo, SP, Brazil

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