That is what I would call Conus larglierti.  (I hope I spelled that
correctly)  I pronounce it (lar-glee-heir-tie).  I don't have my
references with me since I am in the process of moving.  I do remember
the Compendium as having an error with its illustration of C.
sennottorum.  What I was calling C. sennotorum is more of a pear shaped
shell with no blotches of color like C. larglierti.  I remember seeing a
C. larglierti with data indicating that it came from Yucutan.

If you saw those posts about Conus sennotorum a couple of weeks ago then
you should know "if" the holotype is the same species as the paratype,
then C. sennotorum is a form of C. spurius or perhaps maybe a subspecies
of C. spurius from Yucutan.

Maybe it would be better if more shell books that are used for
identification had photos of holotypes or at least reference the paper or
the text where the photo and description of the holotype is.
