
Students interested in studying at the University of Zagreb's School of
Croatian Language and Culture: http://www.unizg.hr/sur/crolang.htm can
receive partial scholarships from UGA's Office of International Public
Service and Outreach. The program is a four-week summer language and
culture program in Zagreb, Croatia.  For more information, please
contact Jennifer Frum at 706. 542.6654 or [log in to unmask]

CAE has extended the 2003 Fall Scholarship deadline to April 30.  A
complete list of scholarships, requirements, and downloadable
applications are on the CEA website
http://www.gowithcea.com/redirect.asp?ID=244.  Also, if you apply for a
CEA program by April 11, you will receive $100 off summer or $200 off
fall/academic year program prices.  If you have any questions or would
like more information about any of these scholarships, please contact
Ann Halpin at 800.266.4441 or [log in to unmask]

The National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange (NCDE) and the
American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) are proud to
announce the Exchange Pioneers Fellowships. These $2000 fellowships will
be awarded to people with disabilities in order to obtain internships
with US-based international exchange offices that coordinate sending or
receiving individuals to/from overseas to study, work, research,
internship or volunteer.  To qualify for the fellowships, an individual
must find an internship position that offers them at least 300 hours
over a minimum of three months. The fellowship application deadline is
May 1, 2003 for summer internships. Fellowships will be granted pending
confirmation of internship acceptance. For information or an
application, contact Mary Ann Higgins, ([log in to unmask], Tel:
330-854-9048), or Pam Houston at NCDE ([log in to unmask], Tel/TTY:
541-343-1284). Visit the websites for more information on NCDE
(www.miusa.org) or AAPD (www.aapd-dc.org).

Upcoming Representative Visits

James Knotts of International Studies Abroad (ISA), will be available
from 12-1pm on Thursday, April 3rd in the Tate Student Center, room 143.
ISA has fall, spring, and summer abroad opportunities in Argentina,
Australia, Chile, Costa Rica, England, France, Mexico, and Spain. Plan
to come to the information session to learn more about the opportunities
waiting for you!!

The American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS) will be on campus on
Tuesday, April 15th to meet with students interested in AIFS study and
internship opportunities in Australia, Austria, China, Czech Republic,
England, France, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, and
South Africa. AIFS programs take place during fall/spring semesters,
academic year, and summer. Fred von Schmeling of AIFS will be in
Memorial Hall, room 227 from 5:00 pm-6:00 pm on April 15th to discuss
available AIFS opportunities abroad! For more information about AIFS
opportunities abroad please see their website at
http://www.aifsabroad.com. We hope to see you there!!!

Wellness, Personal Adjustment and Study Abroad

On Wednesday, April 9 at 2:30 Angela Londońo-McConnell, Ph.D. and
Michelle A. Swagler, M.S., both from Counseling and Psychological
Services at University Health Services, will present a session titled
“Wellness, Personal Adjustment and Study Abroad.”  Living in a new
country can be both exciting and challenging.  Connecting with others,
learning about your environment, and taking care of yourself are
essential parts of maximizing your international journey.  Come learn
about different acculturation strategies and ways to make your study
abroad time an unforgettable experience.  A Question & Answer session
will follow.  The session will be held in G10 Conference Room, Aderhold
Hall and will be approximately 1 hour.

Announcements from ISL

The International Student Life Office (ISL) and the Department of
Student Activities at the University of Georgia invite all of you to
attend the Fifth Annual International Street Festival on Saturday, April
5, 2003, on College Avenue, downtown Athens from noon to 6 pm. The
purpose of the event is to promote inter-cultural exchange and
international understanding in the Athens community. This Festival will
feature student organizations from more than twenty countries with
displays of artwork, crafts, costumes, photographs, jewelry, and other
artifacts. In addition, there will be dynamic cultural performances by
international students and community groups. The event is free and open
to the public. Last year the Festival attracted more than 2000 people,
both U.S. nationals and internationals. The sponsors of this event are
R.E.M., Bank of America and local Athens businesses. Please contact the
ISL office at 210 Memorial Hall, Athens, GA 30602, or call (706)
542-5867 if you have any questions.

The Brazilian Student Association and the Center for Latin American and
Caribbean Studies will be sponsoring Coffee Hour this Friday from 11:30
am – 1:30 pm in the Memorial Hall Ballroom.

It's time once again to start planning for the Fall 2003 International
Student Orientation (Archway to UGA).  We have an exciting week of
events planned for the new students from August 4 - August 8, 2003.
Currently, ISL is looking for approximately 25 UGA students to volunteer
as our 2003 international orientation leaders (also known as World
Leaders). If you or any of your friends are interested in finding out
more about being a World Leader and the events planned for international
orientation, please plan to attend a short interest meeting on
Wednesday, April 9 (the week after the Street Festival) at 5 pm in the
ISL lounge (210 Memorial Hall).  Call ISL at 542-5867 if you have any

Thoughts on study abroad

A student studying at The School for Field Studies in Nairobi, Kenya
wrote, “Africa is amazing.  There is so much to learn, so much life.
This is definitely a once in a lifetime experience!”

Office of International Education
University of Georgia
209 Barrow Hall
Athens, GA  30602-2407
Phone: (706) 542-7903
Fax: (706) 542-6622
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