If you MUST cancel the smell of successful shell collecting...
try Febreze - a spray available at the supermarket.

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>From: Andrew Grebneff <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Conchologists of America List <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Smell
>Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 08:38:44 +1200
>>     You've all had this experience: you have collected shells,
>>bagged them, stuck them in the trunk of the car.
>>     And you can't get near the trunk for several weeks because of
>>the smell. And that comes from decaying animal matter.
>>     So what I want is the attention of Doctors, Pharmacists,
>>Biologists, Chemists---and etcs.
>>     Can someone develope a spray that would negate the odor of
>>decaying animal matter?
>>     We could call it: "Shell-Un-Smell".
>>     Come on people. You know the problem. Can you imagine a sheller
>>who wouldn't invest in such a spray?
>>     The Q Man
>>PLEASE NOTE: My new, long-term, and correct email address is:
>>[log in to unmask] Please update your records!
>You want to get RID of the smell? It's the smell of shell
>collecting... who'd want to be without it?

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