Hi Ron
Good info!
It is also spelled with 2 M's - ICTHAMMOL.
Looks like it is predominantly used medicinally for Horses and cattle.
Well I eat like a cow & act like a horse's ... so it ought to work on me too.


On a recent trip to Panama, during a night snorkel, I stepped on a sea urchin.
I drove many spines deep into my left heel, both on the bottom and in the back.
Ow! Later at the hotel, a fellow sheller had some Draw Out Salve. She applied a
glob of this black, tarry smelling stuff, covered my heel with a bandage and
within a few hours the pain was gone and two days later the spines were GONE!
Apparently the active ingredient is ICTHAMOL (check on Google). The Salve she
had is distributed through 'Eckerd' Drug - an east coast drug chain. But I have
seen it here on the West coast at various drug chains.

The next time you go near the water and sea urchins, "Don't leave home without
Ron in Olympia, WA