ICE is Ideas for Creative Exploration
1. ICE General Meeting this week: All are invited to a general meeting *this* Thursday,
September 18 at 4:30 PM in the ICE Room in the Tanner Building. A brief business meeting
will be followed by refreshments and time to meet people involved with or interested in ICE.
This is a great opportunity to learn about ICE and upcoming projects. The agenda will include
remarks by Carmon Colangelo (Director of ICE), Hugh Ruppersburg (Associate Dean of Arts
and Sciences) and reports about ongoing ICE projects and new initiatives. Visit the ICE web
site for a detailed agenda and please spread the word to interested faculty and students.

2. ICE Project Grant information session reminder: There will be an open information session
tomorrow, Tuesday September 16 at 3:00, in the ICE Room in the Tanner Building for those
interested in ICE Project Grants. The deadline for grant applications is September 22. For
more information about ICE Project Grants visit or email
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3. E.L.I. in N.Y.C.: Congratulations to ICE members Ben Coolik and Christian Croft, who
presented their interactive digital/performance project last weekend at The Kitchen in New
York. For the full story visit: