Hello Alwyn:

That book is probably:
S. Peter Dance - 1969
Rare Shells, Univ of California Press, 128 pp, Hard Bound, Dust Jacket

I do not know of any list that has been put together on it,
but I do have an extra copy (which is probably signed).

Let me know if you are interested in perhaps doing some trading for it.

Leslie Allen Crnkovic
Houston, Texas

Dear all
I am looking for the reference of a publication that describes the 100 (I
think) rarest shells in the world. It’s quite an old publication and many of
the shells are now readily available. I also know there is a website somewhere
that a collector put up after collecting the 100 species. I am just looking for
the reference and if possible the website that has a list of the shells
explained in the book.

I tried the archives as I can remember a discussion on the book a couple of
years ago, but was unable to find it.

Any help will be appreciated.
Best regards