Actually you couldn´t imagine all the spanish recipes made with different
species of bivalves.
Including mussels ( Not clear if they are M.edulis or M.galloprovincialis),
pectens ( P.maximus, P.glaber, P,opercularis), clams( very apreciated here
in Spain and highly priced depending on season) there´s a Clam festival in
northern Spain ( "Festa da ameixoa" in Galicia coast), razor shells, Abalone
shells, and the little  coquina shells, cockles...

There are some books about shells published in spanish, whose most
interesting chapters explain this : )

I still remember myself eating a boiled and sliced Charonia lampas, many
years ago in the mediterranean coast. And believe me it has a good taste!!

Nothing about slugs, we´re not so hungry.

Greetings to the list

Ignacio L. Sanchez
Col. Ebenus
Madrid Spain

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