Hello Mendel:
The Houston Museum of Natural Science, Strake Hall of Malacology maintains a
tank with live Cuttlefish.

Also 45 miles away in Galveston, Texas, is the:
National Resource Center for Cephalopods,
which commercially raises them for medical and commercial use.


National Resource Center for Cephalopods
UTMB Marine Biomedical Institute
301 University Blvd
Galveston, TX  77555-1163
John W. Forsythe, Research Scientist
[log in to unmask]  /  (409) 772-2133
Houston Museum of Natural Science
One Herman Circle
Houston, TX 77077
Dr. John B. Wise, Curator of Malacology
[log in to unmask]  /  (713) 639-4785

Hi all,
I was wondering where are the best places to observe cuttlefish? Some
aquariums have, some don't, but even among those that have there are
differences. My interest is in ancient use of cuttlefish ink for use in
inks and dyeing, particularly as it relates to possibly being the source of
biblical blue dye. While I have read much about cuttlefish, and e-mailed
with experts, I have never seen a live cuttlefish. Ideally I'd like to see
them in a place where I might get to talk some with an expert, and maybe
have access to library resources I haven't seen.

I live in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, but I am willing to travel. I'm just short
of making my frequent flyer miles quota for the year so I thought I might
take a trip before the end of the year to finally see cuttlefish, and
hopefully get my research back on track again, after a long hiatus. This
research is a sideline, and my primary medical research has been too hectic
to allow me to pursue my cuttlefish research, but...I am anxious to get
going again.

Thank you in advance for the suggestions! I anxiously await your responses.

Mendel E. Singer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
voice:  216-368-1951
fax:    216-368-3036
e-mail: [log in to unmask]

Case Western Reserve University
Case School of Medicine
10900 Euclid Ave, SOM W-G57
Cleveland, OH 44106