MessageHi Conch-L´ers:

As part of our tasks in the Museum we have to (1). Store the material in the mollusks collection and (2) include the taxonomic data at the Marine Biodiversity Database. Nevertheless, we have some troubles, because some "unique specimens" belong to one species are attached to other "unique specimen" belong to other one group; often, the samples cannot separate, because it could be destroyed o by the importance of maintaining assembly this information (e.g. mollusks with corals, anemones or bryozoans). So, I do not know if you have similar situations and how do you solve it? Do you assign different collection numbers? Or do you use one unique number to the glass and you have various fields for the species name? We have the same problem with some ophyuroids attached to gorgonians, some gorgonians colonizing hard corals, and so on.

I appreciate your collaboration. Thanks in advance,


Adriana Gracia C.
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Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras - INVEMAR
Museo de Historia Natural Marina de Colombia
Cerro de Punta Betín, Santa Marta - Colombia
A.A. 1016
Teléfono: (57-5) 4214775,4214413,4211380, EXT 144; 
Fax: (57-5) 4211377, 4215181

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