From:    [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Marisa and ramshorns
Dear Andy and Blue;-
>(Is Blue your real name?)

Dear Arthur:
Is Art your real name?

Mine is a color, yours is a hobby . . .


As pointed out, there are many ways for snails to "escape" and here backyard
ponds are another good source.

However, it is, I think, a fairly common practice to dump aquaria in rivers
and streams, and not out of a sense of kindness towards snails
(unfortunately) but out of a sense of "responsibility" to unwanted fish (aka
tears in the kids' eyes when mom gets ready to flush). The snails are just
along for the drive, whether it's through the "system" or the local
waterway. Just this past summer i'm aware of the discovery of a dozen fresh
pectens and turbos in the middle of a river near here -- undoubtedly
aquarium ornaments!

Further, i suspect that while the deeply-cared about fish usually don't make
it to the next season, one "dumping" is usually all that's necessary for a
snail to "take".

sanityville, TX
in the middle of Redneckia

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