ICE Announcements 6.23.04
ICE is Ideas for Creative Exploration
1. Reminder: STREAM performance/demonstration at ICE this Thursday
2. Virtual Vaudeville project featured in Boston Globe
3. ICE site development
1. STREAM at ICE: Free Performance and Demonstration
Thursday, June 24, 6pm, at ICE

Athens is home to a new arts organization called STREAM (The Studio for Research in Art and
Music).  Founded by composer Eric Marty, STREAM is dedicated to innovation in art and music.
STREAM brings innovative arts to the public through performances, exhibitions and workshops.

To inaugurate its first season, STREAM will present a free public performance and demonstration
of interactive audio technology on June 24 at 6pm at ICE.  The event is an excellent opportunity to
get to know STREAM and ICE and their activities. Composer and STREAM founder Eric Marty will
perform and demonstrate "Max/MSP," a software environment for interactive audio and
multimedia.  Marty's music is heard in Canada, France and the US, and has won awards from the
CBC, ASCAP and the Canada Council.

The event is free and open to the public. STREAM is on the web at <>
2.  A Live Performance Simulation System: Virtual Vaudeville, an ongoing, NSF grant-supported
collaborative project led by Dr. David Saltz and the UGA Department of Drama and Theatre, was
the subject of a recent article in the Boston Globe.

The Virtual Vaudeville project web site is located at <>.
3. [A note from Mark Callahan] The ICE web site has settled into a new shape after several months
of development. The site is now completely driven by PHP scripting, created for ICE by Lamar
Dodd School of Art web developer Joe Willey. The result is a site that needs no special
requirements to view, and can be edited with little effort. In the past few weeks I have transfered
data from the previous version of the site and added several new sections. The creation of the
Forum section was informed by the desire expressed to me by many ICE people, to have an online
network for potential collaborators to share their interests. Hopefully the expanded site will
become a valuable resource and reflect the diverse activities of this community of artists and
scholars. I welcome your feedback and suggestions for improvement, <[log in to unmask]>