I have an opportunity to do 10 days of beach walking and shell collecting (all alone I might add with no one to complain about me going too slow!!!)

My start point will be Richmond Va.  I will have a car (and a big heavy camera) but love to walk.

 I’m looking for large beach shells (no Live ones).  I could head either north or south.   I have been to many the north Carolina beaches as well as a Few in south Carolina.  I could easily return to the dredge at Ocracoke, or Portsmouth Island or Capes hatteras and lookout., but I’d like to look in Virginia if anyone has any idea where a good place might be.  It looks like the southern beach below sand-bridge and near the wildlife refuge might yield some goodies.

If anyone has suggestions I’d love to hear them.  So as not to bother other Conchlers, you could respond to me directly.  Thank you for reading this.


Jennifer hanhila

Phoenix az

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jennifer hanhila
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