Teramachia smithi & johnsoni occur together in muddy smelling fine silt at
+1,000ft in the Philippines, mostly off Panglao,Bohol, along w/tibiaformis.
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 Smithi is the easy one to ID. I've gotton these up to 91/2in & are almost
always flawed. The shell is extremely thin.

Johnsoni are thick & of equal size to smithi.

Tibiaformis are much smaller, usually 4-5in, very slender & thick. Some
experts regard this as a possible form of johnsoni but I disagree since they
share the same habitat.

The color of all 3 are dull green & are covered w/a oxide periostracum. The
operculum are flat, yellow, & cover the entire aperture. I hope this helps.
                                                        Mahalo! CHRIS:)

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