ICE Announcements 10.8.04
ICE is Ideas for Creative Exploration
1. Networked Interactivity
1. Demonstration of OSC / Formation of the Networked Interactivity Working Group

Dr. Eric Marty will demonstrate OSC, the new networking protocol for interactivity, and outline
possible areas of activity for a new Networked Interactivity Working Group. All interested faculty,
students and staff, and interested members of the community are invited to attend.

ICE is seeking to build a diverse group of artists and researchers interested in creating art,
software or working methods dealing with networked interactivity. An important focus of the
research will be the integration and exploitation of OSC in artistic applications.

We are specifically interested in individuals with any of these backgrounds:
Programmers (C, C++, Java, XML)
Visual Artists (installation and time-based art)
Composers and Musicians (computer music and interactivity)
Choreographers and Dancers
Anyone working with MaxMSP, Jitter, Flash, Director,
 or other multimedia or DSP environments

OSC (OpenSound Control) is a new open source protocol for high-level, expressive control of
multimedia applications. It is designed to facilitate real-time networked interactivity, and has been
implemented in all the major multimedia environments, including MaxMSP, Director and Flash. It is
also replacing MIDI and other protocols in hardware interfaces and devices.

OSC is a transport-independent protocol optimized for modern networking technology. OSC
messages can have time-tags (with sub-nanosecond resolution) that tell the receiving device when
the messages are to take effect. The protocol includes regular expression address patterns,
providing a powerful way to send messages to multiple points in a receiving application.

Further information about at <>

If you are unable to attend but would like to learn about OSC or participate in the Working Group,
contact Eric Marty: email: [log in to unmask] or (706) 296-9664