
Our host server frequently has problems delivering email to hotmail accounts - Often the accounts
are over quota other times there are network or spam blocker issues.

I don't see many errors from hotmail accounts trying to send messages to conch-l.

But your own copy of your email to the list may not be able to get back to you.


On Wed, 2 Feb 2005 12:01:33 +1000, Bob Dayle <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I can see from the source code of your posting to CONCH-L that you are NOT being
>I also have a @hotmail.com account and have noticed that messages DO get lost or
>delayed all too often.
>Good luck.
>Bob Dayle
>[log in to unmask] - a forum for informal discussions on molluscs
>To leave this list, click on the following web link:
>Type your email address and name in the appropriate box and
>click leave the list.

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