
What is the maximum number of treatments that can be simulated within a
single experiment file?

I am trying to simulate maize yield for a large number of cultivars (N >100)
within a single experimental file.  DSSAT runs fine on the first 100
treatments, but then it quits giving me the following error:
"Error in field inputs.  check format.
File: ZZ018484.MZX    line 232      Error key: IPFLD"

I would appreciate any suggestions that people have on how I can fix this
problem.  Also, if anyone has created an experimental file with more than
100 treatment levels I would appreciate it if you would be willing to send
me a copy.  Maybe by looking at the format of a working experimental I can
figure out where the read error is occurring.

Thanks in advance,
Steven Quiring

Steven Quiring
PhD Candidate
Department of Geography
216 Pearson Hall
University of Delaware
Newark, DE
Phone: (302)831-2344
Fax: (302)831-6654
Email: [log in to unmask]
Homepage: http://udel.edu/~squiring/