Dear Olivier Caro & Richard Petit,
also see the great booklet:
Seashells of Russia in colour (Conchiglie a colori dei mari di Russia).
Igor Bogdanov & Boris Sirenko. Editrice La Conchiglia - Roma 1993.
There, about 60 Buccinum sp. are pictured.
Page 29: Buccinum strigillatum Dall, 1891 (Pl.22, fig.10).
Syn.: B. sandersi Martin, 1914.
Distribution: N.Pacific, Guadalupe Is. to W.Alaska, and Paramushir I. to
Bering Str.
40-1480 m, uncommon.
Fig. 10: Paramushir I., H= 46 mm.
But the identification of your Buccinum_sp. is very difficult.
Flavio Mattavelli

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