RE: preserving periostracum

If it is not illegal, you might try distilling small quantities if the strongest cheap vodka available.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sarah Longrigg [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:29 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: preserving periostracum

Many thanks to those of you who replied to my query about preserving periostracum. The replies were very helpful.

As I had 3 pairs plus 4 single shells all with periostracum, I experimented on the single shells.

I cannot get hold of ethanol as it requires a licence in this country (UK).
The best solution I can find is to use strong vodka or gin, but I have had great difficulty in finding one that is 50%+, which I have been advised is necessary for permanent preservation.

I therefore immersed one shell in 37.5% vodka. I also painted one shell with paraffin, another with Gum tragacanth (1g in 100 ml of water with a drop of formalin added to prevent mould), and left one untreated.

The periostracum on all the shells, apart from the one immersed in vodka, started to crack as soon as they were dry. (Possibly the gum tragacanth was too weak, but I'm afraid that using a stronger mixture might just delay cracking rather than prevent it)

I am therefore favouring the vodka treatment, but will have to hunt further to find one that is strong enough to preserve the shells permanently. I have found one at 45%, but have been advised that Polish vodka is stronger so I will try to track some down.

Sarah Longrigg

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