In September of this year we went to Oahu, Hawaii to visit some of our old shelling haunts and maybe collect a few shells.  We were terribly disapointed since we had been 10 years since we left.  The old and ancient dead reefs at Ft. Kam astride the entrance to Pearl Harbor just were no longer there.  The Air Force had run a new pipe-line out to sea to dump their human waste.  In the process they dugup the reef and silted the entire area.  This was one of the remaining locations to find the very large fat Cyp. Teres and many other Cyps. One note of improvement we drove up to Makua Beach and all of the squaters have been moved out and the reef looked inviting.  The dive boats from Pokie Bay were working Makua and south to the power plant. It was sad , the effect of man on a beautiful area.
Harry Tasker
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