
My wife & I were challenged while we collected a few shells from the beach at Bokissa island off Espirito island, Vanuatu. No mention in the brochure, but later found out when we read the in room info that it was an eco island. So we had to put the shells back, a real pity. We didn't take much but a couple of nice items. But rule are rules I guess.

This is such a nice pastime, more places in Australia are prohibiting beach collecting esp around the major cities.

Melbourne, Australia

Hello, all:

I'm a recent addition to this list, a shell enthusiast, and a journalist.
This thread caught my professional interest:  Is there a movement afoot to stop
beach-shell collecting?  The woman (I think) who started this thread reported
a confrontation on a beach in (I think) Thailand; I'd appreciate hearing from
her and others with similar stories or knowledge of efforts to prevent shell
collecting.  The science is certainly interesting.  Many thanks.

Stephen Rae

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