ICE Announcements 10.23.06

1. Samuel Yates: The Color of Palo Alto (Tuesday at 5:30 PM)
2. Religion of the Lie: Screening and Panel Discussion (November 1)
3. Janet Murray: Game, Treasure Chest, Interactive Story (November 1)
4. iDMAa Conference (Travel Opportunity)
5. Langlois Foundation for Art, Science and Technology (Research Opportunity)

1. Samuel Yates: The Color of Palo Alto
Tuesday, October 24, 5:30 PM
Student Learning Center Room 101

Samuel Yates will give a lively presentation on how "The Color of Palo Alto" incorporates
technology, contemporary art, environmental protection, and public service into one award-
winning public art project that created the nation's first photo-assisted 911 emergency response
system. Samuel Yates received his Bachelor of Arts in English from UC Berkeley in 1997, and his
Master of Fine Arts in Visual Arts with Honors from Columbia University in 2002. His 2001
sculpture, Untitled, was named by Guinness World Records as the "tallest file cabinet on earth,"
and a short 30-minute documentary about his painting, "Vern," in the SFMOMA permanent
collection, premiered in October 2004 at the Mill Valley Film Festival. "The Color of Palo Alto" is a
public art project commissioned by the City of Palo Alto.  It will travel to Los Angeles and New
York for exhibition.

***Mark your calendars for these exciting events in the week following UGA "Fall Break"***

2. Religion of the Lie (Orf's Baptism): Screening and Panel Discussion
Wednesday, November 1 at 8:00 PM
Room 53, Fine Arts Building

Visiting artists Randall Packer and Charles Lane have been working throughout the semester with
Theatre and Film Studies students to create an original performance/video piece set in Gospel
Pilgrim Cemetery. The group will be present preliminary video and discuss the project along with a
panel of respondents from the university and the community. This event is open to the public.
For more information see

3. Janet Murray, Humanities Computing Lecture: Game, Treasure Chest, Interactive Story
Wednesday, November 1 at 4:00 PM
265 Park Hall

Professor Janet H. Murray is an internationally recognized interactive designer, the director of
Georgia Tech's Masters Degree Program in Information Design and Technology and Ph.D. in Digital
Media, and a member of Georgia Tech's interdisciplinary GVU Center. She is the author of Hamlet
on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace. (Free Press, 1997; MIT Press 1998), which
has been translated into five languages and is widely used as a roadmap to the coming broadband
art, information, and entertainment environments. She is currently working on a textbook for MIT
Press, Inventing the Medium: A Principled Approach to Interactive Design, and on a digital edition
of the Warner Brothers classic, Casablanca, funded by NEH and in collaboration with the American
Film Institute. Professor Murray received her Ph.D. from Harvard in 1974 with a dissertation on
Courtship and the English novel : feminist readings in the fiction of George Meredith (Garland,
1987). As a Victorianist, she also edited Strong-minded women : and other lost voices from
nineteenth-century England (Pantheon, 1982) and provided the introduction for Miss Miles, or, A
tale of Yorkshire life 60 years ago (Oxford UP, 1990).

***From the Desk of Dr. Scott Shamp at the UGA New Media Institute***

4. iDMAa Conference
Novermber 9 - 11
National University, San Diego
I have told you many times about the ultra-cool International Digital Media and Arts Association
and the wild conference that is coming up in just a couple of weeks at National University in San
Diego.  Imagine a place where technologists, artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, and a host of other
creatives come together to share ideas and make things happen.  If you are a UGA person on the
bubble -- wanting to go but not having the resources -- contact me (Scott Shamp,
[log in to unmask]).  We might be able to find some ways to help get you there -- UGA needs more
of the ideas being tossed around at iDMAa.

5. The Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science and Technology is extending its call for
research proposals for researcher in residence grants to November 15, 2006.

Through its Researcher in Residence Grant program, the Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art,
Science, and Technology supports projects that not only draw on the documentation collection
and archival fonds of the Centre for Research and Documentation (CR+D), but that also explore
new ways of disseminating and interacting with documentary content. More specifically, the
program aims to promote research projects that take an innovative approach to disseminating
research results via data communications.

For more information on this grant program and on how to submit a proposal online, we invite
you to consult the program guidelines under "Funding Programs" / "Program for Researchers in
Residence" on the Foundation's Web site at:

ICE is Ideas for Creative Exploration, an interdisciplinary initiative for advanced research in the arts
at the University of Georgia. More announcements, opportunities, and links at