Thanks for the link to the TRAFFIC Bulletin. I will mention it in a post
on my blog.


On Wed, 25 Oct 2006 19:16:43 +0200, mienis <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Dear ConchLers,
>Back from an extended stay in the Netherlands I found in my mailbox the
latest issue of TRAFFIC Bulletin, the journal published by the WWF and the
IUCN dealing with the monitoring of wildlife trade.
>Also this issue (Vol. 21 No. 1 - July 2006) contains some items dealing
with molluscs.
>pp. 25-34 carry an article dealing with the trade in dried Abalones in
Hong Kong
>Haliotis features also in the 'Seizure and Prosecution' section:
>p. 36 reports the seizure of 9974 units of shucked Abalone weighing more
than 815 kg in Port Elisabeth, South Africa;
>pp. 39-40 deals with Abalone problems in Canada, while p. 40 carries also
an item related to illigal fishing of Haliotis in California.
>This journal is available free of charge and an electronic version is
available at www.traffic.org
>Henk K. Mienis

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