Objects, including shells, down to a size of ~0.5 mm or even less can be
photographed without a microscope using a digital camera with a macro lens
& if necessary, an extension tube. I use an Olympus E-500 camera with a 35
mm macro lens with or without a 25 mm ex. tube.


On Thu, 10 May 2007 23:27:26 +0100, Carlos Duraes de Carvalho
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Dear Conch-lers
>I want to thank you all the answers to my question about boxes for
>micros. I have now a number of good options. Some of you mentioned the
>microscope as necessary to study and to take photos of micro-shells. I
>would like to take pictures and put them in my site:
>www.shellscarvalho.com <http://www.shellscarvalho.com/> .  It would be
>very much appreciated if some of you could share with us, your
>experience in this subject. Some microscopes are quite expensive! Did we
>really need one of those? Or a cheaper one is enough? Can we use any
>digital camera with the microscope? As we see, lots of questions.
>Very best regards

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