I will be offering a breakout session during summer conference that
focuses on lesson planning for substitute teachers.  As agriculture
teachers, many of us miss more than 15 days of school each year.

This e-mail is a call for interested teachers who would like to attend
this breakout session.  I am making one request - if you are interested in
participating in this breakout session, you will need to prepare a lesson
plan for a substitute teacher that can easily be used by most agriculture
teachers.  There will be a format for the lesson plan that I request be
followed - very basic and simple - and I will e-mail this information to
you.  You would need to bring one hard copy of this lesson plan with you
to summer conference, as we will be putting a notebook together during the
breakout session.  In addition, I would request that you bring a copy of
the lesson plan on a jump drive so that it could easily be transferred to
another computer.  Each teacher who participates will be provided with
this very helpful resource.  Below I am placing a brief description of the
breakout session.  If you are interested in participating, pleace respond
to this e-mail by Wednesday, June 20th.  I will reply with additional

"Substitute Teacher Disaster Relief"

You need a lesson plan for a substitute teacher, and FAST!  We have all
been there, especially as agriculture teachers.  The challenge is ensuring
that our students are engaged in the learning process, attendance is
taken, animals are fed, plants are watered, and equipment is not misused,
broken, or stolen!  This breakout session will provide you with techniques
that other agriculture teachers use to plan effectively when they are out
of the classroom.  Collaborative efforts will result in a resource of
substitute lesson plans that can be used by agriculture educators year

Thank you for your time - look forward to hearing from you.

Chaney Mosley,
Temple High School