You may want to take a look at this paper:

Baur & Baur. 1990. Are roads barriers to dispersal in land snail Arianta
arbustorum? Can. J. Zool. 68:613.


On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 10:26:46 -0400, David Kirsh <[log in to unmask]>

>If a car runs over a snail, will the car be slowed down...or swerve?
(Maybe a driver charged with reckless driving could use the snail-in-the-
tire defense).
>Seriously, with all the roads and highways criss-crossing the land, I've
wondered what effects this would have on various animal populations. A
major interstate would create a fairly insurmountable barrier to the free-
flow of genetic information within species. Would we see forms
attributable to a location east or west of I-95?
>David Kirsh
>Durham, NC

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