I apologize in advance for the mass e-mail.  I realize that this message
only relates to about 40 teachers, however, they are spread all over

If you participated in the "Substitute Teacher Disaster Relief" breakout
session this summer at the Ag. Teachers Conference, this e-mail applies
specifically to you.  After reviewing all of the lesson plans submitted, I
realized that not everyone followed the format that I requested.  I had to
scan many documents myself at home, and insert them into a word file.  I
also had to tweak a few of the cover pages - and some came without cover
pages.  There were a few lesson plans that are missing some much needed
information before I can send them out.  "Crops That Put Georgia On The
Map" is an excellent lesson plan, however, it is missing the informational
sheets on the crops.  I am not sure who wrote this plan, but if it was
you, please e-mail the informational sheets on the crops to me ASAP.  I
have looked at all of the files and can not locate this information
anywhere.  Additionally, "Cycles in Nature" seems that it would be a great
lesson plan as well, but it is missing the cover page and does not provide
specific directions for a substitute teacher.  Please keep in mind that
these lesson plans were supposed to reduce the amount of prep work that we
do as ag. teachers when making lesson plans for subs and we should be able
to print and go.  If you wrote "Cycles in Nature", I would ask that you
add the cover page and provide a few more instructions for the substitute
teacher.  I can send out this information to you again, I am simply not
aware of who submitted this plan.

As of now, I have 16 quality substitute lesson plans ready to be sent
out.  Throughout this week, I will hopefully compile your e-mail addresses
and send the plans out to you via e-mail.  My initial plan was to burn
them to a CD, however, it is crunch time.  I know that ag. teachers are
already traveling to shows, fairs, etc. and want this to benefit you as
soon as possible.  I plan on sending the plans out to those of you who
attended the breakout session this Friday.  They will also be sent to the
state dept. of ag. ed. and will hopefully be added to our website for all
teachers to use very soon.

I hope you all had an enjoyable summer and look forward to working with
you throughout this year.

